Victor Ezechukwu
5 min readMay 5, 2024


Mastering Basic SQL Statements In 10 Challenges

After carrying out a few Excel Data analytics projects, I have pushed on to learn SQL to improve my career prospects in Data Analysis.

Thanks to Jose Portilla's Udemy course "The Complete SQL Bootcamp: Go From Zero to Hero", which he presented in a way that allows learners to try out business-related challenges on the go, I have mastered some basic SQL statements.

From the most fundamental which is the SELECT and FROM statement, to more technical SQL commands/functions like DISTINCT, COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN, WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT, AND, BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, GROUP BY, HAVING and LOGICAL / COMPARISON OPERATORS.

My approach is to show my understanding of these basic SQL statements by solving business challenges, which will have me combining two or more statements to form an SQL query.

I used PostgreSQL and Pg Admin (two of the most popular SQL tools), and the "DVD rental" database in Portilla's course for these challenges.

Without further ado, let me jump into it.

1. How many payment transactions were greater than $5?
FROM payment
WHERE amount > 5;

The number of transactions greater than $5.

In this query, all I did was pass the COUNT function on the amount column to count the total number of rows in the payment table that meet the criteria in the WHERE clause.

2. How many actors have a first name that starts with the letter P?
FROM actor
WHERE first_name LIKE 'P%';

The number of actors with first names starting with P.

In this query, I counted the number of rows in the actor table, filtered the table by the first name, and used the LIKE operator to further filter the first name. Since the COUNT function counts the number of rows in a table, I can choose not to specify any column in the bracket and instead pass an asterisk inside the bracket, as you can see in the query.

3. How many unique districts are our customers from?
FROM address;

Total number of unique districts.

The DISTINCT function finds unique values. All I did here was count the number of unique districts in the address table.

4. Retrieve the list of names of those distinct districts from the previous question.
FROM address;

The list of all the unique districts.

This query gets a list of all the unique districts in the address table.

5. How many films have a rating of 'R' and a replacement cost of between $5 and $10?
FROM film
WHERE rating = 'R'
AND replacement_cost BETWEEN 5 AND 10;

The number of films that meet the criteria.

In this query, I used a combination of the WHERE, AND, and BETWEEN to filter the film table and get the number of films that meet the criteria.

6. What customer has the highest customer ID number whose name starts with "E" and has an address ID lower than 500?
SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE first_name LIKE 'E%'
AND address_id < 500
ORDER BY customer_id DESC

The first and last name of the customer with the highest customer ID number.

The LIMIT function reduces the output to a specified number, which in this query is 1. The DESC function orders the customer IDs in descending order, that way I can get the highest customer ID that meets the criteria specified in the WHERE clause.

7. Return the customer IDs of customers who have spent at least $110 with the staff member who has an ID of 2.
SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount)
FROM payment
WHERE staff_id = 2
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING SUM(amount) >= 110;

IDs of customers who have spent at least $110 with staff ID 2.

Since I can't include aggregate functions in the GROUP BY or WHERE clause, I used the HAVING clause to specify the customers who have spent $110 or more with the staff ID specified in the WHERE clause.

8. We are launching a platinum service for our most loyal customers. We will assign platinum status to customers who have had 40 or more transaction payments. What customer IDs are eligible for platinum status?
SELECT customer_id, COUNT(amount)
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING COUNT(amount) >= 40;

Eligible customer IDs for platinum status.

I also used the COUNT function and HAVING clause to identify the total number of customers in the payment table that meets the criteria of 40 or more transactions.

9. We are running a promotion to reward our top 5 customers with coupons. What are the customer IDs of the top 5 customers by total spend?
SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount)
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id

IDs of top 5 customers who have spent the most.

In this query, I used SUM to calculate the total amount spent by customers, then used the ORDER BY, DESC, and LIMIT functions to identify the top 5 total amounts spent.

10. Corporate HQ is conducting a study on the relationship between replacement cost and a movie's MPAA rating(e.g. G, PG, R, etc...). What is the average replacement cost per MPAA rating?
SELECT rating, ROUND(AVG(replacement_cost),2)
FROM film
GROUP BY rating;

The average replacement costs per MPAA rating.

I used AVG to get the average replacement cost for each movie rating. The average had a lot of decimal places, so for readability, I used the ROUND function to get it down to 2 decimal places as shown in the query.

Reading this piece is a huge encouragement to me. Thank you!



Victor Ezechukwu

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